
Key Benefits...

  • Never Miss A Vaccination
  • Improve Your CIBIL Score 
  • Avoid Late Payment Penalties (credit cards, EMIs, LICs premium etc)
  • Avoid Legal Action & Penalties Due To Expired Documents (Vehicles pollution NOC, Road Tax, Insurance, etc)
  • Timely Renewal of your Policies, Subscription, Important Documents (Passport, Insurance Policies, Health Policies etc)
  • Get Reminded For The Policy Maturity Date (FD, Mutual Funds etc)
  • Never Miss The Birthdays, Anniversaries etc For Your Loved Ones

Keep Your Life
Stay Under Control

Get automated reminders multiple times through SMS, calls & emails, ensure you don't forget any Due Date


In order to make it easier to navigate, the different services have been bucketed into a proper segment.


Subscribe for any number of services as per your need.

Automated Schedule

Get automated schedule for reminders.


Customize the date/time as per your convenience.

Set Alert

Customize alerts as per your convenience for each date.

Get Reminders

Start receiving reminders


Featured Services

We have already created a comprehensive range of services, still if we are missing something please write to us at "info@reminderkart.com".

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Membership Package

After signing up, buy a suitable package.

The services will LIVE till the balance lasts or till the validity, whichever exhausts first. Please note that the indicative balance being displayed is either of available SMS or Calls (and not both). 

Newsletter Subscription

Submitting your email id will activate newsletter.